Troubleshooting Guide

If you can't get Roksbox to work after going through the tutorial, check these troubleshooting steps.

1 - Check Your Web Server IP Address

Check to see if your web server IP address works by entering http://your-web-server-address into a web browser. If it works, you will see a listing of your files under your web server root directory. If it is an incorrect address, or if your web server isn't functioning properly, you will get an error message. If your web server uses a port other than port 80, you need to add a colon and your port number to the end of your address on the Roksbox Setup screen. For example, if your web server uses port 8001, your web server address would look like http://your-web-server-address:8001. This would have to be entered in the Web Server Address of the Roksbox setup.

If you have another computer connected to your network, enter your web server address in a web browser on that computer. If you see your files from that computer, then your web server is functioning correctly, and your IP address is correct. If the address works on your local computer, but not on another computer on your network, then you probably have a firewall on your local computer that is blocking incoming traffic. In this case, you would need set your firewall properties to either allow your web server port through your firewall, or you need to allow http protocol on your firewall. One way to find out if this is the problem is to temporarily disable your firewall and see if you can get to your web server from another computer, or see of Roksbox will work. If it does, then you know that your firewall is causing the problem.

2 - Check Your Folder Configuration

Media Root Folder Configuration

If you are using a media root folder with your individual media folders under your root folder, check to see if you can see your folder and files from a web browser. Enter your web server address into a web browser. You should be able to see your media root folder. If not, then your media root folder probably isn't directly under your web server root. Review the sections Set up a Web Server, and Organize Your Media Folders in this tutorial.

If you can see your media root folder, see if you can see your indivdual media folders by entering http://your-web-server-address/your-media-root-folder into a web browser. This should display each of your media folders under your root folder, such as Videos, Music, and Photos. If they don't show up, or if one or more of them are missing, open a file browser to see if they are there. Also check to see if you can see files in each of your media folders. Enter http://your-web-server-address/your-media-root-folder/your-video-folder into a web browser. This should show your video files in your video folder. Do the same for you music folder, and photo folder if you have them set up.

Check the Setup screen in Roksbox to make sure your paths are correct. You should have a Web Media Root Folder defined, and you should have a path defined for each of the media folders you have set up. Make sure they match your web server names.

Alias Configuration

If you are using aliases, check to see if your aliases are set up properly by entering http://your-web-server-address/your-video-alias into a web browser. You should see your video files. If not, review the Advanced Features section of the tutorial. Do the same for your music alias, and photo alias if you have them set up.

If you can see your files, then check to see if your alias name is the same as your media folder name. For example, if your video files are located at F:\My Files\My Videos, then your video alias should be named My Videos. The same should be true for your music and photo aliases.

If you can't see your files, then check to see if your alias is defined properly. If you are using Mongoose, go to Start button -> All Programs -> Mongoose web server -> Edit config. Look at your aliases entry to see if it is defined properly.

Check the Setup screen in Roksbox to make sure your paths are correct. If you're using aliases, the Web Media Root Folder should be blank. Each of the media folder paths should match your corresponding alias names. If your alias name for your video folder is My Videos, then the Video Folder Path in Roksbox should be My Videos. The same should be true for your music and photo paths.

3 - Check Your XML File

When you select one of the Roksbox main menu options, it tries to load and parse an XML file, if you've specified an XML file name in your media settings. For example if you select My Videos, Roksbox tries to load and parse the XML file you specified as your video XML file name. If it can't access the XML file, it will search for media files using your directory structure. If it can't access your directory structure, you will get an error message saying there is a problem with your web server or with the XML file.

Check to see if you can access the XML file by entering http://your-web-server-address/your-media-root-folder/your-media-folder into a web browser if you are using the media root folder configuration, or enter http://your-web-server-address/alias-name if you're using aliases. You should see a file called videos.xml, music.xml, or photos.xml, depending on which folder you are accessing. If you don't see the file, then you need to create it using one of the support media organizing programs. If the file is there, it might have the wrong format.

Currently, Roksbox will only use XML files that have been created by either Personal Video Database for videos, MediaMonkey for music, and PicaJet for photos. If your XML file was created any other way, then it probably won't work with Roksbox. Review the Organize Your Files page of the tutorial for instructions on using these programs.